Download version 2.1.2 here. This is mostly a bug fix release, unless you are using it to generate PDF, in which case you should definitely switch to this 2.1.2 version.
Indeed, those of you who use the PDF export feature, will be glad to see improvements in the bleed and crop mark handling. For instance, imagine you work on a document measuring 100mmx100mm, with a 20mm area outside of the page. When you export to PDF, you specify a bleed of, say, 3mm.
The crop marks will be automatically placed just 1mm outside of the bleed box. And as you can see above, the document has some objects which protrude outside of the page. The part which exceeds the bleed box will be clipped. Here is the resulting PDF, as rendered by Acrobat:
PDF file now also includes meta information, such as the title and the creation date.